Founder & Artist
Racquel Araki
Designed to stand out.
Rooted in sustainability.
Our mission
Our mission at Bleed Aloha is to enrich and revitalize the viewer of our community, or those who come to visit and beyond by sharing the ‘ike (knowledge or wisdom) of those who came before us our Kūpuna (grandparent, ancestor, and/or honored elder) through art and the interactions between the land and its people.
Aloha Aina means love of land, but is more than that fundamentally it is the Hawaiian practice of stewardship, take care of the land, and the land will take care of you. such as regenerative agriculture Pono Practices(protecting watershed integrity through the management and restoration of biological diversity). To Mālama (to tend and care for the natural resources) its an essential part of what it means to be Hawaiian, And to bleed aloha, Because it should be like automatic and just flow from us. All of us.
Aloha requires respect, loving without conditions, accepting and not judging. You can applie this to your relationship with yourself as much as your relationship with others. Emotions like fear, hate, anger, shame, guilt and jealousy divide us from our most authentic original self, from each other, and from the extraordinary creative life force from which we came into being. God's greatest commandment is love.
Even if you’re not Hawaiian (I am not of Hawaiian genealogy), it’s a frame of mind a state of being, our actions have to reflect our understanding that its our Kuleana (responsibility), It extends beyond one's self to one's family, community and most importantly Creation the land from where we all survive. May you find inspiration in every inventive, and imaginative stroke, experience the joy of the Aloha spirit through my artistic expressions mahalo nui loa (thank you very much:)
Hawaiian proverb- “He aliʻi ka ʻāina, he kauwā ke kanaka”: “The land is a chief, and man is its servant.
“Aloha is not an empty gesture it’s a way of life that runs through our veins, it’s law.” -Racquel Araki